Let the easyBot do the grunt work!

Boost your business with easyBot

From now on, leave typical routine conversations to an AI in the form of a chatbot or voicebot. This helps in natural language your customers and employees, for example with:

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Filling out forms
  • Appointment reservations
  • Orders
  • and many more scenarios!

Current areas of application for the easyBot

  • Hotel FAQ
  • Voice operating system for robots
  • Multilingual call centers
  • Navigation aids
  • Health check of seniors
  • Wholesale orders
  • Pharmaceutical Surveys (Patient Outcome)

Instant prototype, fast implementation

In a first workshop with you, we show your use case based on a first prototype, a live demo, how your bot could look like. Then we deliver a pilot bot within a few days. After your final feedback, we will make the ready-to-use bot live within 10 days.

easyBot is groundbreaking

easyBot makes use of state-of-the-art speech processing and AI:

  • Anyone can create an easyBot in minutes – no costly outsourcing to IT system integrators.
  • Every easyBot is a voice bot, chat bot and messenger bot at the same time.
  • Each easyBot is available through many channels such as LINE, browser, phone or Alexa.
  • Users can speak to easyBot in their own languages, although the bot is only created in a single language.
  • easyBot understands natural, nuanced language like people speak to each other.
  • easyBot is constantly learning and thus getting better every day.
  • easyBot integrates seamlessly into existing IT architectures and data structures with a small local footprint.

Users can scan a QR code with a smartphone to instantly get important information in Ukrainian and other languages.

Anyone who scans the QR code can talk to the bot in their own language, retrieve information and answer questions. The bot is created and maintained in German by the clerks themselves. New information can go live and be made available to users in minutes.

The operating system for digital communication

easyBot is the world’s first platform to define a common standard for the development and deployment of AI bots, such as voice and chatbots.

This standard enables digital communication between people, machines, products, software and services in 21st century society.

Recognition rate
